Chairperson Mr Tom Sheldon
Vice Chairperson Mrs Olivia Gregg
The Governing Body at Ashurst CE Aided Primary School is made up of the following (14) members:
Headteacher (Ex-officio)
Parent Governors (3):
Five PCC, of whom 1 shall be a parent of a pupil currently in school.
Two Diocese, of whom 1 shall be a parent of a pupil currently in school.
Local Authority Governor (1)
Staff Governors (1)
Foundation Governors (8 including one ex-officio)
& Associate Members (No Voting Rights)
Records of Governors attendance at Governing Body Meetings can be found in the Minutes of meetings.
Governing Body Meetings Minutes are available on request from School Office. Governors List and Committee Membership Doc Update September 2024
Parent Elected Governors (3)
Mr Tom Sheldon Elected by Parents Start Date 01/11/21 End Date: 31/10/2025
Elected Chair of Governors Start Date 24/09/2024 End date 23/09/2025
Mr Daniel Hall Elected by Parents Start Date 28/03/23 End Date: 28/03/2027
Local Authority Governors (1)
Dr. Benjamin Dabby Appointed by LA Start Date 04/06/2024 End Date: 03/06/2028
Staff Governor (1)
Mrs Tina Clarke Appointed by Staff Start Date: 02/09/2021 End Date: 02/09/2025
Headteacher Ex Officio
Mrs Sarah Smith Ex Officio Headteacher Start Date: 01/09/2020
Foundation Governors (8 one of whom is Ex-Officio)
Father Mark Heather Ex Officio Foundation by virtue of being Incumbent
Reverend Caroline Armitage Appointed by the Diocese Start Date: 11/03/2022 End Date: 10/03/2025
Mrs Helen Garnett Appointed by the PCC Start Date: 01/06/2018 End Date: 30/06/2024
Mr Mark Garnett Appointed by the PCC Start Date: 20/06/2022 End Date: 19/06/2026
Mr Christopher Preston Appointed by the PCC Start Date: 16/11/2022 End Date: 15/11/2026
Mrs Olivia Gregg Appointed by the PCC Start Date: 28/ 03/2023 End Date: 28/03/2027
Vacancy Appointed by the PCC Start Date: End Date:
Vacancy Appointed by the Diocese Start Date: End Date:
Associate Governors (Non Voting)
Mr Christine Jesse Associate Governor Start Date: 01/06/2019 Lifetime Hon Member
Mrs Katharine Amaladoss Associate Governor Start Date: 01/09/2024 Date: 01/09/2028
Declaration of Business & Pecuniary Interests 2024-2025
Mrs. H Garnett Arc Pathway
Mr. M Garnett Arc Pathway
Mrs. S Smith Spouse of Mr. D. Smith Peripatetic Music Teacher
Clerk to the Governors
Mrs L Crick
Governing Body Committee Membership from September 2024
Chair of Governors: Mr T Sheldon
Vice Chair of Governors: Mrs O Gregg
Link Governor & Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mr M Garnett
Children & Learning Committee
Mrs S Smith Headteacher
Mr T Sheldon Chair of Governors
Mrs H Garnett Chair of Children & Learning Committee
Reverend C Armitage
Mrs T Clarke Staff Governor
Mrs K Amaladoss
SEND Lead & Disadvantaged
Mrs K Amaladoss
Safeguarding & Online Safety Committee
Mrs S Smith Headteacher
Mr T Sheldon Chair of Governors, Chair of Safeguarding Committee
Mr D Hall
Mrs H Garnett
Prevent Lead:
Mrs H Garnett
Finance & Premises including Health & Safety
Mrs S Smith Headteacher
Mr T Sheldon Chair of Governors. Chair of Finance & Premises including Health & Safety Committee
Mr M Garnett
Mr R Powel
Mr C Preston
Staffing Committee
Mrs S Smith Headteacher
Mr Tom Sheldon Chair of Governors, Chair of Staffing Committee
Mrs H Garnett
Father Mark Heather
Reverend C Armitage
Mrs S Smith Headteacher
Mr Tom Sheldon Chair of Governors
Mr M Garnett
Father Mark Heather
Marketing & Publicity
Mrs S Smith Headteacher
Mr Tom Sheldon Chair of Governors
Mrs O Gregg vice Chair of Governors
Mr M Garnett
Father Mark Heather
PE Lead
Mrs O Gregg
Website Monitoring
Mr T Sheldon Chair of Governors
Christian Distinctiveness
Mrs H Garnett
Reverend C Armitage